Comprehensive Report on Corrections
I will provide you with a comprehensive report, detailing the changes which need to be implemented, and why.
Traditional Cures
When dealing with the natural flows of energy in a space, it is not always the furniture that needs to be moved. Human energy plays a big part in the correction process. It is necessary to assess the state of mind of occupants and to address ways to improve human wellbeing and productivity in the workplace.
Building Placement and Design
When working with a building, the location and the layout are vital to identifying the right changes to be made.
Interior Design
Whether you are working with a commercial property, a residential property, or another interior space, getting the design, layout and placement right is essential. This portion of the consultation is designed to achieve this.
Merchandising Placement
Merchandisers and vendors need to have the right products in the right places to optimise their chances for a sale, but there is more to this than meets the eye. Through Feng Shui consultation, we can get the right results for your business.
Analysis of directions using a compass
Effective Feng Shui reorganisation works with the natural energy of the earth, which requires a certain understanding of the position of your space or of the self on this earth. To examine this, Feng Shui practitioners use a special compass, also referred to in Mandarin as a luopan compass.
Five element diagnoses
To plan and implement changes in your life, workplace or home, we need to diagnose the interplay of the Five Elements, or Wu Xing. These are water, wood, fire, earth and metal.
Analysis of Geopathic Stress Zones and Electromagnetic Fields
Much of Feng Shui involves creating a flow of energy across a space or a body. This requires, first, the identification and analysis of areas of energy conflict and of the fields of natural electromagnetic energy acting on the subject.
Swimming Pool Shape and Placement
Both the physical dimensions and the placement of a swimming pool are vital. The consultation will help you to achieve perfection in both these areas, as well as optimal energy flow.